Friday, May 22, 2015

Asteroid Game! Capstone Project

For my senior capstone,  I decided to create an Asteroid game using what I learned in Computer Science Engineering class, from online and my mentor Joseph Kopena. Unfortunately, in order for my game to be played I would have to upload the entire file, not just the code itself and I'm not sure how to do that. So instead I decided to upload a video of me playing the game. To prove that it is a game that I created on my laptop I will how myself opening the file and showing my name on the top right corner on my laptop. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ping Pong Final

On May 21, 2015 I had assignment due where I had to add more functionality to a Ping Pong game code that my teacher had taught the class. Below is my new and improved code. I will be including this game in my Capstone Presentation. My code is down below.

PFont f;

int x, y, w, h, maxSpeedX, maxSpeedY;
int paddleX, paddleY, paddleW, paddleH, paddleS;
int paddleX2, paddleY2;
int scorePlayer1 = 0;
int scorePlayer2 = 0;
int winner = 7;
int s1 = 4; // controls speed for ball
int s2 = 4; // controls speed for ball

boolean up, down;
boolean up2, down2;

color color1 = (#FF2600);
color color2 = (#FEFF00);

void setup() {
 size(600, 600);

 x = width/2;
 y = height/2;
 w = 50;
 h = 50;

 maxSpeedX = s1;
 maxSpeedY = s2;

 f = loadFont("ArialRoundedMTBold-48.vlw");
 textFont(f, 25);
 textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);

 paddleX = 25;
 paddleY = height/2;

 paddleX2 = width - 25;
 paddleY2 = height/2;

 paddleW = 25;
 paddleH = 125;
 paddleS = 6;

void draw() {




 text("Ping Pong Time", 300,25);

// begining of drawBall
void drawBall() {
 fill(random(255), random(234), random(213));
 ellipse(x, y, w, h); // ellipse(w,h,x,y) check it out!//
// end of drawBall

//Begining of moveBall
void moveBall() {
 x = x + maxSpeedX;
 y = y + maxSpeedY;
// end of moveBall

//begining of bounceBall
void bounceBall() {
 if (x > width - w/2) {
   maxSpeedX = -maxSpeedX;
   scorePlayer1 = scorePlayer1 + 1;
 } else if (x < 0 + w/2) {
   maxSpeedX = +maxSpeedX;
   scorePlayer2 = scorePlayer2 + 1;

 if (y > height - h/2) {
   maxSpeedY = -maxSpeedY;
 } else if (y < 0 + h/2) {
   maxSpeedY = -maxSpeedY;
// end of bounceBall

//beinging of paddle
void drawPaddle() {
 rect(paddleX, paddleY, paddleW, paddleH);
 rect(paddleX2, paddleY2, paddleW, paddleH);
// end of paddle

//begining of movePaddle
void movePaddle() {
 if (up) {
   paddleY  = paddleY - paddleS;

 if (down) {
   paddleY = paddleY + paddleS;
 if (up2) {
   paddleY2  = paddleY2 - paddleS;

 if (down2) {
   paddleY2 = paddleY2 + paddleS;
// end of movePaddle

//begining os stopPaddle
void stopPaddle() {
 if (paddleY - paddleH/2 < 0) {
   paddleY = paddleY + paddleS;
 if (paddleY +  paddleH/2 > height) {
   paddleY = paddleY - paddleS;

 if (paddleY2 - paddleH/2 < 0) {
   paddleY2 = paddleY2 + paddleS;
 if (paddleY2 +  paddleH/2 > height) {
   paddleY2 = paddleY2 - paddleS;
// end of stopPaddle

//begining of touchBallPaddle
void touchBallPaddle() {
 if (x - w/2 < paddleX + paddleW/2 && y - h/2 < paddleY + paddleH/2 && y + h/2 > paddleY - paddleH/2 ) {
   if (maxSpeedX < 0) {
     maxSpeedX = -maxSpeedX;

 //right collision
 else if (x + w/2 > paddleX2 - paddleW/2 && y - h/2 < paddleY2 + paddleH/2 && y + h/2 > paddleY2 - paddleH/2 ) {
   if (maxSpeedX > 0) {
     maxSpeedX = -maxSpeedX;
// end of of touchBallPaddle

// begining of keepScore
void keepscore() {
 text(scorePlayer1, 100, 50);
 text(scorePlayer2, width-100, 50);
//end of keepScore

// begining of gameOver
void gameOver() {

 if (scorePlayer1 == winner) {
   gameDone(" Player 1 wins!", color1);

 if (scorePlayer2 == winner) {
   gameDone(" Player 2 wins!", color2 );
// end of gameOver

//begining of gameDone
void gameDone(String text, color c) {

 maxSpeedX = 0;
 maxSpeedY = 0;

 fill(random(100), random(150), random(200));
 text(" Game OVER", width/2, height/3 - 40);
 text("Click here to play again!", width/2, height/3+40);
 text(text, width/2, height/3);

 if (mousePressed) {
   scorePlayer1 = 0;
   scorePlayer2 = 0;
   maxSpeedX = s1;
   maxSpeedY = s2;
// end of gameDone

//begining of keyPressed
void keyPressed() {
 if (key == 'w' || key == 'W') {
   up = true;
 if (key == 's' || key == 'S') {
   down = true;

 if (keyCode == UP) {
   up2 = true;
 if (keyCode == DOWN) {
   down2 = true;
// end of keyPressed

// begining of keyRealsed
void keyReleased() {
 if (key == 'w' || key == 'W') {
   up = false;
 if (key == 's' || key == 'S') {
   down = false;
 if (keyCode == UP) {
   up2 = false;
 if (keyCode == DOWN) {
   down2 = false;
// end of keyrealsed

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ping Pong 3(In class)

For the last few weeks in CSE we've been learning how to create a Ping Pong game. Below is the code taught to the class by Mr. Miles.

// create paddle
// create the ball
// update the screen every few milliseconds with position
// start in 1D

/* things that you can do:
ball/paddle goes off the screen, comes out the other side
paddles can't go off the screen
score - the game ends when you reach a certain amount?
balls/paddles speed up as the game goes on
balls added as game goes on
incorporate top and bottom
more than 2 players
make it pretty/add music
balls can run into each other
title screen/winning screen
create a computer opponent
fix any bugs

float paddle1Y;
float paddle2Y;
float maxSpeed;
boolean[] paddleControl;
//Ball ball1;
//Ball ball2;

// Ball[] ballArray;
ArrayList<Ball> myList;

void setup() {
 size(600, 600);
 frameRate(30); // draw() 30 times/seconds

 paddle1Y = height/2 - 40;
 paddle2Y = height/2 - 40;
 maxSpeed = 5;
 paddleControl = new boolean[4];
 //ball1 = new Ball(50, 100);
 //ball2 = new Ball(50, 50, 25, 10, color(0, 0, 255));
 // println(ball1.getDiameter());
 // ballArray = new Ball[5];
 myList = new ArrayList<Ball>();
 myList.add(new Ball());

 for (int i = 0; i < paddleControl.length; i++) {
   paddleControl[i] = false;
 } // end of for
//  for(int i = 0; i < ballArray.length; i++){
//    ballArray[i] = new Ball();
//  } // end of for
} // end of setup

void draw() {
 fill(255, 0, 0);
 // move paddles
   paddle1Y -= maxSpeed;
   paddle1Y += maxSpeed;
   paddle2Y -= maxSpeed;
   paddle2Y += maxSpeed;

 // draw player 1
 rect(10, paddle1Y, 10, 80);

 // draw player 2
 rect(width - 20, paddle2Y, 10, 80);
//  for(int i = 0; i < ballArray.length; i++){
//    ballArray[i].update();
//  }

 // update balls
 for(int i = 0; i < myList.size(); i++){
//    Ball temp = myList.get(i);
//    temp.update();
 } // end of update loop
} // end of draw

void keyPressed() {
 if (key == 'w' || key == 'W') {
   paddleControl[0] = true;
 if (key == 's' || key == 'S') {
   paddleControl[1] = true;
 if (keyCode == UP) {
   paddleControl[2] = true;
 if (keyCode == DOWN) {
   paddleControl[3] = true;
 if(key == ' '){
   myList.add(new Ball());
} // end of keyPressed

void keyReleased(){
 if (key == 'w' || key == 'W') {
   paddleControl[0] = false;
 if (key == 's' || key == 'S') {
   paddleControl[1] = false;
 if (keyCode == UP) {
   paddleControl[2] = false;
 if (keyCode == DOWN) {
   paddleControl[3] = false;
} // end of keyReleased