Saturday, December 13, 2014

Another Two Programs

My most recent assignment was one where I had to make a square and have it so that when the user (square) reaches the edge of the window, the user (square) will appear on the other side (left <-> right, top <-> bottom). I created a very interesting square that is constantly changing colors in the middle, but has a very thick yellow stroke weight. I did this just for fun not because it was part of the assignment. In order to do this, I first created two int's. This two int's (squarex & squarey) declare the size of the square which is 400x400. In order to get the square to move, I had to use keyPressed. I made it so that when keyCode UP was pressed the square increased by 60, when keyCode DOWN was pressed the square decreased by 60 and I continued this for the LEFT and RIGHT keys. This allowed my square to move left, right, up and down by 60 when certain keys were pressed. This is what those codes looked like:

void keyPressed(){
if(keyCode == UP){
   squarey -= 60;
 else if(keyCode == DOWN){
   squarey += 60;
 else if(keyCode == LEFT){
   squarex -= 60;
 else if(keyCode == RIGHT){
   squarex += 60;

Then I had to make it so that when the square reached the far left of the screen it appeared on the right, when it reached the far right on the screen it appeared on the left and so on. In order to do this, I used if statements. My if statements basically said if squarex goes beyond the width make squarex equal 0. Meaning make squarex reappear at coordinate (0,?). Also, if squarey goes beyond the height make squarey equal 0. Meaning make squarey reappear at coordinate (?,0). I basically repeated this four times simply changing where the square. So if squarex is less than 0 make squarex=width. This is what those codes look like:

// (Too far right)
  if(squarex > width){
// (Too far left)
  if(squarex < 0){
     squarex=width ;
  //(Too far down)
  if( squarey > height){

   //(Too far up)
  if( squarey < 0){

Altogether these codes made it so that when the user reached  the edge of the window, the square will appear on the other side (left <-> right, top <-> bottom).

“Yes, we have a dress code. You have to dress.”
– Scott McNealy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

CSE Moving Lines

A few days ago in Computer Science Engineering we learned how to create lines that follow the mouse and has a background that changes color when the mouse is pressed. The background was the easiest part because all we had to do was create an int, we chose color c then using what we learned previously when doing our assignment called 2 programs. Using that information I created the code below:

 void mousePressed() {
  c = color((int)random(256), (int)random(256), (int)random(256));

Then we created two variables to keep track of the vertical lines x position and the horizontal lines y position. We called these two global variables int x and int y. While talking in class we learned about mouseX and mouseY. mouseX and mouseY keep track of the current horizontal  and vertical coordinates of the mouse. This is helpful because  in order for the lines to follow the mouse the computer must know where the mouse is. We all agreed that if statements should be used in this code. Our first if statement was, if the position of mouseX was less than x or to the left the x position of the line should be decreased. We type this into processing and realized it worked. We used this same mindset to finish the rest of the code. So, if mouseY was above, they-position of the line should decrease, and so on. Our finished code is below. 

  if (mouseX < x) {
  } // otherwise

  else if (mouseX > x) {

  if (mouseY < y) {
  } // otherwise

  else if (mouseY > y) {

  line(x, 0, x, height);
  line(0, y, width, y);
} // end of draw

Once we pieced these two codes together we were finished the assignment. The entire code is down below. 

// lines  follow the mouse
// we need to keep track of the vertical line's x-position
// we need to keep track of the horizontal line's y-position

// global variables
int x;
int y;
color c;

void setup() {
  size(700, 500);
  c = color((int)random(256), (int)random(256), (int)random(256));

  x = width / 2;
  y = height / 2;
} // end of setup

void draw() {

  // if mouse is to the left, decrease x-position of the line
  if (mouseX < x) {
  } // otherwise
  else if (mouseX > x) {

  // if mouse is above, decrease y-position of the line
  if (mouseY < y) {
  } // otherwise
  else if (mouseY > y) {

  line(x, 0, x, height);
  line(0, y, width, y);
} // end of draw

void mousePressed() {
  c = color((int)random(256), (int)random(256), (int)random(256));

// single condition if statement

 // multi-condition if statement
 else if(condition){


“It’s OK to figure out murder mysteries, but you shouldn’t need to figure out code.  You should be able to read it.”
– Steve McConnell